NTSC Researchers Proposes Fast Auto-relock Algorithm for Ultra-stable Lasers
NTSC Scientists Propose a Miniaturized "Perfect Difference" CPT Atomic Clock
NTSC Researchers Developed Rubidium Fountain Clock for Time-keeping
NTSC Researchers Developed High Stability Atomic Spin Oscillator
NTSC Researchers Developed All-fiber Telecom Band Energy-time Entangled Biphoton Source
NTSC Researchers Realize an Atomic Mode Extractor Based on Polarization-dependent Absorption Effect
Researchers Proposed an Active Optical Microclock Based on the Lattice-trapped Atoms
NTSC Researchers Realize the Absolute Frequency Measurement of the Strontium Optical Lattice Clock
Novel schemes of CPT Atomic Clocks invented by NTSC Scientists
NTSC Researcher Helps to Complete the Launch Mission of S3/S4 Test Satellites