Title: | Quantum Two-Way Time Transfer Over a 103 km Urban Fiber |
First author: | HONG Huibo |
Page number: | 1479-1486 |
Issue: | 5 |
PubYear: | 2024 |
Volume: | 42 |
Impact factor: | 3.2 |
Publication name: | Journal of Lightwave Technology |
Abstract: | As a new approach to realizing high-precision time synchronization between remote time scales, quantum two-way time transfer via laboratory fiber link has shown significant enhancement of the transfer stability to several tens of femtoseconds. To verify its great potential in practical systems, the field test in long-haul installed fiber optic infrastructure is required to be demonstrated. In this article, we implement the two-way quantum time transfer over a 103 km urban fiber link. A time transfer stability of 3.67 ps at 10 s and 0.28 ps at 40 000 s has been achieved, despite the large attenuation of 38 dB leading to fewer than 40 correlated events per second. This achievement marks the first successful step of quantum two-way time transfer in the task of high-precision long-distance field transfer systems. |