Title: Absolute frequency measurement of the 87Sr optical lattice clock at NTSC using international atomic time
First author: LU Xiaotong
Page number: 1-7
Issue: 015008
PubYear: 2023
Volume: 60
Impact factor:
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We report the absolute frequency measurement of the 5s21S0 → 5s5p3P0 transition in 87Sr optical lattice clock (Sr1) at National Time Service Center. Its systematic frequency shifts are evaluated carefully with a total relative uncertainty of 5.1 × 10-17. The measured absolute frequency is 429 228 004 229 872.91(18) Hz with a relative uncertainty of 4.1 × 10-16, with reference to the ensemble of primary and secondary frequency standards published in the Circular T bulletin by BIPM through a global navigation satellite system link.