Research Divisions

Quantum Frequency Standards

Author:       ArticleSource:       Update time:2021/08/11

The Quantum Frequency Standards Division is mainly engaged in the development of quantum frequency standard and related research.

Director: Prof. ZHANG Shougang

Deputy Director: Prof. DONG Ruifang; Prof. CHANG Hong

Main Research Fields:

1. Laser Cooling Atomic Fountain Clock:
Focused on researching, developing the Cesium fountain primary frequency standard and Rubidium fountain clock to improve the national standard time-scale generating and maintaining capability of NTSC.

2. New Generation of Satellite-Carried Atomic Clocks
Focused on developing the next generation of satellite-carried atomic clocks, such as the Pulsed Optically Pumped (POP) atomic clock and Coherent Population Trapping (CPT) clock.

3. Optically Pumped Cesium Beam Atomic Clock
Focused on the research and development of optically pumped cesium beam atomic clocks for navigation, communication, precision measurement and time keeping applications.

4. Strontium Optical Lattice Clock
Focused on the basic research and development of ground reference strontium atomic clock, transportable optical clock, and the space optical clock in the China's Manned Space flight time and frequency task.

5. Ultra-Stable Laser
Focused on the development of ultra-stable laser systems for the broad applications ranging from time-frequency research, gravitational wave detection, gravity field measurement and other major tasks.

6. Optical Frequency Comb
Focused on the optical frequency comb research and its applications, including high-precision frequency synthesis and measurement, combs for timing, synchronization, and atomic clock networks.

7. Fiber-Optic Time-Frequency Transfer
Focused on key technology research of time synchronization, microwave frequency transfer and optical carrier frequency transfer via long-haul fiber links, supporting the high-precision ground-based time service system.

8. Quantum Time Transfer and Synchronization
Focused on the basic theory, protocol and key technologies in the field of quantum time transfer and synchronization to improve the classical transfer performance both in accuracy and stability.

9. Ultracold Atom Physics
Focused on the physical properties of ultracold atom to promote the basic research results of ultracold atomic physics to precision measurement physics.

10. Space-Based Time-Frequency Technology
Focused on the systematic technology of space-based time and frequency, precision control of signal delay, satellite-ground precision measurement, ground application of space atomic clock, etc.

11. Atomic Spin Gyroscope
Focused on atomic spin gyroscope based on alkali metal electron spin-noble gas nuclear spin hybrid system in vapor state, and its application in inertial navigation, magnetic field detection and fundamental physics.
