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Progress on Time-keeping Activities ofNTSC
Update time: 2011/06/03
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DONG Shao-wu, QU Li-li, LI Huan-xin, LIU Chun-xia

 (National Time Service Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an 710600, China)

Abstract: The time-keeping hardware system and its function, and the recent progress of time-keeping activities in the National Time Service Center (NTSC), Chinese Academy of Sciences are briefly introduced in this paper. NTSC is responsible for the generation, maintenance and dissemination of national standard time signals. Since its establishment, the time-keeping system of NTSC has greatly satisfied the broadcast of time signals of long and short-wave standard time service system. In 2008, the time-keeping activities of NTSC has achieved great progress, ranked the third in the worldwide time-keeping labs. The NTSC has been one of the most important time-keeping labs of TAI families.

Key words: time-keeping; atomic time scale; time comparison

2009 National Time Service Center (NTSC), Chinese Academy of Sciences , All Rights Reserved