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An Ultra-miniature Rb Atomic Clock
Update time: 2011/03/21
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CAO Yuan-hong1, YANG Lin1, HE Qing2, DU Lun-yu1, XIANG Jun-qi1, PU Xiao-hua

(1. Xinghua Time & Frequency Company, Chengdu 611731, China;

2. Southwest China Research Institute of Electronic Equipment, Chengdu 610036, China) 

Abstract: An ultra-miniature Rb atomic clock is reported in this paper. For this Rb atomic clock, the microwave cavity is filled with a new type of ceramic material to reduce the physics package, the Rb spectrum lamp can lighten instantly with the aid of a voltage step-up circuit. Besides, it is the first time in China for this kind of clocks that the low voltage technique is applied to the circuits to realize 12 V (DC) supply and the output signal of this ultra-miniature Rb atomic clock can be synchronized with outside 1 PPS (1 pulse per second) signal. The volume of this Rb atomic clock is 190 mL and it can be locked in 3 minutes after starting. The frequency stability of this clock is 1.5×10-11/(:1~1 000 s), the power dissipation is 5.5 W for stable status.

Key words: Rb atomic clock; ceramic microwave cavity; ultra-miniaturization; low power

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