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An Automatic Diagnosis and Alarm System for Malfunction of Time Keeping Devices
Update time: 2011/03/21
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QU Li-li,QI Yi

(National Time Service Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an 710600, China)

Abstract: An automatic diagnosis and alarm system for the malfunction of the time keeping devices has been designed to detect the equipments timely, which are the most likely to be failure in the running main time keeping system, to reduce the error probability of the comparison data, and to improve the precision of time keeping and the reliability and integrality of data. The automatic diagnosis and alarm system in which the expert system fault diagnosis is adapted detects the abnormality of comparison data by monitoring in real time and analyzing the time comparison data in time keeping system, then starts the automatic diagnosis system in time, and reports the probable failed device by the alarm system, so that the malfunction can be detected immediately and eliminated as early as possible. The results show that this automatic diagnosis and alarm system has achieved the expected objective.

Key words: time keeping system; malfunction device; time comparison; alarm system

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