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WWW. TIME. AC. CN, Website of the NTSC Selected in the First Batch of “Cultural Products of Green Network”.
Update time: 2008/06/02
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On the eve of June 1, the Internet Society of China decided finally and promoted officially the first batch of 44 “Cultural Products of Green Network” to the public, and www. time. ac. cn, website of the NTSC made its mark.

Initiated by the Internet Society of China, this activity aims at enhancing the construction and management of network culture, boosting the transmission of high-grade cultural information, and striving to build a batch of network culture brands with the characteristics of traditional Chinese culture, time spirit and elegant taste.

Sponsored by the NTSC of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS),  “www. time. ac. cn" is a popular science-based website, exhibiting the cutting-edge trend of time science, scientific meaning of relevant technological events, and the great impact of “time” on people’s daily life via common, interesting and artistic way of expression, revealing every aspect of time science to the public. Over the years, supported and favored by the netizens, website “time” was honored with two titles of the “Top Ten Excellent Popular Science Website Nationwide” and “Good Design Award” respectively during the first activity of “Excellent Popular Science Websites and Popular Science Columns Selecting” all over the country in 2005.

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