Int'l Cooperation news

The Institute of Navigation (ION) Technical Meetings

Author:       ArticleSource:       Update time:2009/09/15

The Institute of Navigation (ION) is the world's premier non-profit professional society dedicated to the advancement of the art and science of positioning, navigation and timing (PNT). Founded in 1945, it serves a diverse community including those interested in air, space, marine, land navigation, and position determination. Its membership is worldwide, and it is affiliated with the International Association of Institutes of Navigation.
ION members are drawn from many sources including professional navigators, astronomers, cartographers, photogrametrists, meteorologists, engineers, physicists, educators, geodesists, surveyors, general aviation and airline pilots, mariners, yachtsmen, and anyone interested in position-determining systems. Corporate members include corporations, civil and military government agencies, private scientific and technical institutions, universities and training academies, and consulting firms.

These technical meetings offer you and your colleagues the opportunity to exchange technological information on the various navigation and positioning systems. The Institute annually sponsors an International Technical Meeting (January), IEEE/ION PLANS (Spring), JSDE/ION Joint Navigation Conference (Spring), and ION GNSS Meeting (September, sponsored by the ION's Satellite Division). These conferences provide a chance to present technical papers and discuss new findings with industry peers. The meetings are an opportunity to meet new people and renew old acquaintances.

The Institute of Navigation hosts three technical meetings each year: The International Technical Meeting in January; the Annual Meeting in June; and the Satellite Division Technical Meeting, ION GNSS, in September.

  • Current, relevant information presented by experts in the navigation community
  • Professional networking opportunities
  • Opportunities to present research/information
  • Registration discounts for ION individual/corporate members
  • Exhibit displays offer demonstrations of available products and services
  • Proceedings of these meetings may be ordered from the Publications section.