Appear Year Thesis Title Publication Name Author
2020 Analysis on the time transfer performance of BDS-3 signals Metrologia GUANG Wei
2020 Evaluation of the Effect of Higher-order Ionospheric Delay on GPS Precise Point Remote Sensing YANG Haiyan
2020 Dual-entropy-source quantum random number generation based on spontaneous emission Optics Letters Zhang Qiang
2020 Enhancing BDS-3 precise time transfer with DCB modelling measurement QIN Weijin
2020 Demonstration of the frequency-drift-induced self-comparison measurement error Japanese Journal of Applied Physics LU Xiaotong
2020 Hybrid frequency-time spectrograph for the spectral measurement of the two-photon state Optics Letters Xiang Xiao
2020 Formation, stability, and dynamics of vector bright solitons in a trapless Bose–Einstein condensate with spin–orbit coupling New Journal of Physics Wang Yajun
2020 Quantification of nonlocal dispersion cancellation for finite frequency entanglement Optics Express Xiang Xiao
2020 Precise Loran-C Signal Acquisition Based on Envelope Delay Correlation Method SENSORS Yan Wenhe
2020 Synchronous frequency comparison beyond the Dick limit based on dual-excitation spectrum in an optical lattice clock Applied Physics Letters LU Xiaotong
2020 Performance of Galileo precise time and frequency transfer models using quad frequency carrier phase observations GPS Solution Zhang Pengfei
2020 Microwave Pulse-Coherent Technique-Based Clock With a Novel Magnetron-Type Cavity IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ULTRASONICS, FERROELECTRICS, AND FREQUENCY CONTROL Hao Qiang
2020 Research of Eliminating the Day-Boundary Discontinuities in GNSS Carrier Phase Time Transfer through Network Processing SENSORS Zhang Xiangbo
2020 Accurate OH Maser Positions the SPLASH Survey. III. The Final 96 deg2 The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series Qiao Haihua
2019 BDS-3 time Group Delay and its Effect on Standard Point Positioning Remote Sensing Dai Peipei