Research Progress

1.05m Ranging Telescope of NTSC Put into Use for Precision Measurement Scientific Research

The 1.05-meter laser ranging telescope of National Time Service Center(NTSC) of Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) is officially put into use for precision measurement and related scientific researches by the end of 2024.

01 21, 2025
The "BDS/GNSS Time Monitoring and Assessment System" contributes to the improvement of BeiDou timing performance

the "BDS/GNSS Time Monitoring and Assessment System", which is based on the national standard time UTC(NTSC), has been routinely applied to the operation and maintenance of BDS timing services. This system regularly provides monitoring data and evaluation results on the performance of BDS timing services, supporting the optimization of the system's timing performance.

01 16, 2025
Researchers from the NTSC Completed the Verification of the New Shortwave Time Signal Modulation Scheme Based on Chirp

In order to enhance the anti-interference receiving ability of shortwave time signals and improve the performance of shortwave time service system, researchers from the National Time Service Center(NTSC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) began the research on the new system of shortwave time signals. The researchers proposed to introduce spread spectrum technology into BPM shortwave time service system and achieved a new shortwave time signal modulation scheme (DCTCDM scheme) based on linear frequency modulation (Chirp).

12 17, 2024


​NTSC Established Time Traceability and GNSS Timing Monitoring and Evaluation System for Pakistan Satellite-Based Augmentation System

Developed by the research team of the department of Time and Frequency Measurement and Control, the National Time Service Center (NTSC)of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the "Pakistan MM1 Project Satellite-based Augmentation System (SBAS) timing subsystem " passed the test in January this year, and began to provide stable service in Pakistan in August after two years of development.

NTSC organized BeiDou International GNSS Training Workshop in Nigeria

From 5th to 9th August, 2024, the National Time Service Center (NTSC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) and The United Nations African Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education - English (UN-ARCSSTE-E) jointly organized the International BeiDou/GNSS Training Workshop in Obafemi Awolowo University Campus, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, which established BeiDou’s closer technical exchange and communication with African countries in satellite navigation field.

Two Books Select as Outstanding Popular Science Books of Shaanxi Province in 2023

Two popular science books nominated by the National Time Service Center,"Navigation Stars and Sinan" and "Sky Gazing(chinese version)" was selected in the list of "Outstanding Popular Science Books of Shaanxi Province in 2023" (15 in total) in the 2023 Shaanxi Province Outstanding Popular Science Book Selection.


Beijing Time

